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Vic(Tori)a Greco Hiranaka

Experimental Documentary | Expanded Cinema

Deeply influenced by my upbringing on Hawaiʻi Island, my ancestral cultures, and my studies in socially engaged art and political ecology, I approach projects through the Hawaiian adage -- Nānā i Ke Kumu -- “Look to the source.” These foundations have given me the framework to understand, decipher, and confront the themes I (re)produce.

Currently based on Hawaiʻi Island, I have previously worked with Gloria Steinem as her Executive Assistant, as a freelance filmmaker, as a programming intern for American Documentary, and as a production intern for the John Grade Studio

In 2019, I received the Flaherty Film Seminar Fellowship, the Hawai’i Doc Club Scholarship in 2021, and the 5th Wall Studio residency in 2023. 

Photo by Corinne Cascioppo